Terms of Use

Effective: 17/09/2024

These Terms of Use ("Terms") apply to your use of the Cocurate platform, and Cocurate’s other services, along with any associated software applications, technology and websites ("Services"). You form a contract with us when you confirm that you accept these Terms or when you otherwise use the Services. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use personal information. Although it does not form part of these Terms, it is an important document that you should read.

Who we are

Cocurate is a software-as-a-service platform that automates the creation of responses to tender documentation (including Pre-Qualifying Questionnaires (“PQQs”) and Requests for Proposals (“RFPs”)) using artificial intelligence (“AI”). Our Services are provided to you by: Cocurate Ltd, a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland with its registered office at 35A Carrickbrack Road, Dublin 13, Ireland, and company number 753482.

Additional Service-specific Terms

  • Usage Policies: these policies explain how you may use our Services and Content.
  • Service Terms: these terms apply when you use certain Services or features.

Registration and access

Minimum age: You must be at least 18 years old or the minimum age required in your country to consent to use the Services.

Registration: You must provide accurate and complete information to register for an account to use our Services. You may not share your account credentials or make your account available to anyone else and are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. If you create an account or use the Services on behalf of another person or entity, you must have the authority to accept these Terms on their behalf.

Using our Services

Subject to your compliance with these Terms, you may access and use our Services. In using our Services, you must comply with all applicable laws as well as the Service-specific terms and policies listed above.

  • Using our Services in a way that infringes, misappropriates, or violates anyone’s rights.
  • Modifying, copying, leasing, selling, or distributing any of our Services.
  • Attempting to or assisting anyone to reverse engineer, decompile, or discover the source code or underlying components of our Services, including our models, algorithms, or systems (except to the extent this restriction is prohibited by applicable law).
  • Automatically or programmatically extracting data or Output (defined below).
  • Representing that Output was human-generated when it was not.
  • Interfering with or disrupting our Services, including circumventing any rate limits or restrictions or bypassing any protective measures or safety mitigations we put on our Services.


Our Services may allow you to download software, such as mobile applications, which may update automatically to ensure you’re using the latest version. Our software may include open source software that is governed by its own licences that we’ve made available to you.

Corporate domains

If you create an account using an email address owned by an organisation (for example, your employer), that account may be added to the organisation's business account with us, in which case we will provide notice to you so that you can help facilitate the transfer of your account (unless your organisation has already provided notice to you that it may monitor and control your account). Once your account is transferred, the organisation’s administrator will be able to control your account, including being able to access Content (defined below) and restrict or remove your access to the account.

Third-party Services

Our services may include third-party software, products, or services, (“Third Party Services”) and some parts of our services may include output from those services (“Third Party Output”). Third Party Services and Third Party Output are subject to their own terms, and we are not responsible for them.


We appreciate your feedback about our Services, but you agree that we may use it to provide, maintain, develop, and improve our Services, without compensation to you.


Your content: You may provide input to the Services (“Input”) and receive output from the Services based on the Input (“Output”). Input and Output are collectively “Content”. You are responsible for Content, including ensuring that it does not violate any applicable law or these Terms. You represent and warrant that you have all rights, licences, and permissions needed to provide Input to our Services.

Ownership of content: As between you and Cocurate, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you (a) retain your ownership rights in Input and (b) own the Output. We hereby assign to you all our right, title, and interest, if any, in and to Output.

Similarity of content: Due to the nature of our Services and artificial intelligence generally, Output may not be unique, and other users may receive similar output from our Services. Our assignment above does not extend to other users’ output or any Third Party Output.

Accuracy: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly evolving fields of study. We are constantly working to improve our Services to make them more accurate, reliable, safe, and beneficial. Given the probabilistic nature of machine learning, use of our Services may in some situations result in Output that does not accurately reflect real people, places, or facts.

  • Output may not always be accurate. You should not rely on Output from our Services as a sole source of truth or factual information, or as a substitute for professional advice.
  • You must evaluate Output for accuracy and appropriateness for your use case, including using human review as appropriate, before using or sharing Output from the Services.
  • You must not use any Output relating to a person for any purpose that could have a legal or material impact on that person, such as making credit, educational, employment, housing, insurance, legal, medical, or other important decisions about them.

Our IP rights

We and our affiliates own all rights, title, and interest in and to the Services.

Paid accounts

Paid subscriptions

Some of our Services allow you to purchase paid subscriptions to benefit from additional features and functionalities (the “Benefits”). The exact nature of the Benefits differs between Services and will be made clear to you before purchase. You can manage your paid subscription from your account settings.

Fees: All charges, including subscription fees, will be made clear to you before purchase.

Billing: If you sign-up for a paid subscription or purchase any Services, you will provide complete and accurate billing information, including a valid payment method. For paid subscriptions, we will automatically charge your payment method on each agreed-upon periodic renewal until you cancel. If your payment cannot be completed, we may downgrade your account or suspend your access to our Services until payment is received.

Cooling off period: You are entitled to cancel your purchase and request a refund without stating the reason during the 14 days following the date of your purchase (the “Cooling Off Period”). The refund will cover the relevant subscription fee prorated from the date you request cancellation to the end of the relevant subscription period you have paid for. To cancel and request a refund please email sam@cocurate.ai.

Cancellation: Following the Cooling Off Period, you can cancel your paid subscription at any time by updating your account settings. You will not be charged after you cancel your paid subscription. You will continue to have access to the Benefits until the end of the subscription period you have paid for, at which point your cancellation will become effective. Unless we specify otherwise, you will not receive a refund for any days between the day you cancel and the last day of the subscription period you have paid for.

Changes: We may change our prices from time to time. If we increase our subscription prices, we will give you at least 30 days’ notice and any price increase will take effect on your next renewal so that you can cancel if you do not agree to the price increase.

Termination and suspension

Your rights: You can stop using our Services and end your relationship with Cocurate at any time by simply closing your account and stopping your use of the Services.

Cocurate rights: We may take action to suspend or terminate your access to our Services or close your account if we determine, acting reasonably and objectively:

  • You breached these Terms or our Usage Policies.
  • We must do so to comply with the law.
  • Your use of our Services could cause risk or harm to Cocurate, our users, or anyone else.
  • Your account has been inactive for over a year and you do not have a paid account.

Dispute resolution

Concerns: If we have a dispute, we would first like to understand and try to address your concerns before any formal legal action. To share your concerns please email us at sam@cocurate.ai.

General terms

Assignment: You may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms. We may assign or transfer our rights or obligations under these Terms to any affiliate or subsidiary or any successor in interest of any business associated with our Services. If we do, any rights you have as a consumer will not be affected. If you are not satisfied, you have the right to terminate your relationship with Cocurate and stop using our Services at any time.

Changes to these Terms or our Services: We are continuously working to develop and improve our Services. We may update these Terms or our Services accordingly from time to time. For example, we may make changes to these Terms or the Services due to: